Welcome to the 2020 Frockery website

So we have finally gone and done it!

Our website has been redesigned and we have moved to a new platform from the Magento ‘wardrobe’ we have been using for the past ten years. It was a case of necessity as the version we were running was beginning to burst at the seams, much like our stock room!

Visitors should hopefully find it easier to navigate the site, and customers should not notice major changes but may be prompted to change password when logging in. Wishlists will still be there waiting for them, along with details of previous orders.

Postage will be free until the end of July - just enter code FREEPOST at the checkout.

We are so far loving our new home, but please bear with us while we acclimatise to a different system and iron out any wee creases. Remember we are only an email, tweet or Facebook message away!

In the meantime, a big thank you to our talented developer Bhavik, who took on the gargantuan task of migrating the site and customising it for us, while retaining some of our best loved features and saving the chief frocker's sanity. 

We hope you like our new look and would welcome any feedback.

Thank you all in anticipation of your continuing support.

 Alison x